Friday 23 September 2011

The diagnosis.

Acute Bronchitis is the inflammation of the bronchi in the lungs that is caused by some sort of an infection, whether it is caused by viral or bacterial. However, there have been instances when chemicals have caused acute bronchitis. It is described as a cough that suddenly appears due to this infection that directly impacts the large airways. Because of the infection, the immune system responds by inflaming the area in an effort of killing the cause of the infection. This, in turn, makes it more difficult to breathe.

Finally i gave up and went for doctor. Somehow the doc seems so likey me and explain everything to me, good attempt, but just making me @.@ as if i understood all the medical terms he used. Well so all these explained why am i so damn weak plus hardly breathe for the whole week.

Anyway parents back thus my job done, i could have rest happily ever after from now on :p

Little joy of the day: Caring from the friends and family. I'm so blessed :)

The strong patient,


  1. Phew..I thought what happened cause I saw "diagnosis".. seems like not something very serious..Take good care of yourself..Don't fall sick again..=)

  2. hehe no worries..
    i'm strong baby!!
