Sunday 2 October 2011

What doesn't kill you, makes you stronger.

I can't really describe how does it feel after swallowing the medicine pills, kinda like gastric but not exactly that pain-killing, it's a very uncomfortable feeling in the stomach, plus the bitter taste that seems to stay forever on the tongue, which kill all my appetite. Though the doctor has ady prescribed the medicine to ease the side effect of antibiotics yet the nausea feeling still there. I'm trying hard to eat cause i know i still gonna take the medicine. I have to hypnotize the brain to expel the feeling of vomiting which might cause any possibility of throwing up the medicine. I can't bear the consequence of not-recovering anymore.

There's nothing much suffering than doing thing you do not want to.
But i need to be healthy again, as soon as possible.

So stay strong, i will.


1 comment:

  1. Yup,stay healthy, so you don't have to face the needle and eat the medicine again..:)Yup,stay healthy, so you don't have to face the needle and eat the medicine again..:)
