Thursday, 1 December 2016

#336/366 December it is,

m still amazed how time could fly this fast, too fast. Looking at the resolution that I made this year, I only managed to get 1 out of 7 seven done, too many unforeseen and unexpected stuff turned out *shaking head* .  But it's fun thou to set up some targets for myself, perhaps next year i should slightly lower down my aims, *laugh*.

December please be good to me, as you always do :) 

Tuesday, 25 October 2016

#299/366 五月天 相遇 吉隆坡

我不是超级五迷 充其量也是个客串的小小歌迷 问我为什么愿意掏钱看摇滚区 花钱还费力呢 只因为 弟弟们都要摇滚 ahemm 想要听听现场版的突然好想你 (理由好简单)
喜欢五月天的歌都带着故事 有时说中你的心情 让你眼睛湿湿的 有时却很热血 让你好想跟着跳 他们的歌就这样陪我走过了我的青春

曾经的 突然好想你 总会让我心揪一下 
但今天现场 让我听进心里去的 却是 后来的我们 
在耳机里听了无数遍 却在当下才真正的 听明白了 

人生总不尽完美 就好像演唱会里 可能会走音什么的 但感觉对了 就是对了
现场的五月天 满满的感动 总要看那么一回的演唱会


Sunday, 17 April 2016


很多朋友都说 星巴克咖啡不好喝 
I always call myself a coffee person thou
但我对咖啡的要求似乎没有很高 该有的浓度 温度 香味 有了 就够了
如果用这态度在选男朋友身上 就不会单身那么久了吧 *呵

很喜欢收集tumbler 星巴克的好处就是哪里都找得到 
记载着 转角看到星巴克的小开心
都是幸福的记忆 :)

Till then.

Friday, 26 February 2016




Sunday, 17 January 2016


What's the better excuse for doing shopping beside CNY shopping. The time we can OFFICIALLY do shopping (of course we do take care of our pocket as well)! 

 They ang ang we ou ou :D

 Okay I do find lion dance is kinda cute 🐶

Big happiness of the day: shopping day!

CNY mood is on :)

Tuesday, 12 January 2016


Happiness is someone (or somedog) is anticipating your return with a big happy face (or waving tail?). :)

Lil happiness of the day: Dinner at pasar malam :p

Wednesday, 6 January 2016


Some comfy food and ice-cream after a loooooong day of work is a bliss.


p/s: still loving a rainy evening despite all the inconvenient and hassle it brought.


Leaving office at 9.20pm, new record for OT so far. I understand I have absolutely no right to complain for working such long hours as some of you might work even later than me. 

Just that my old friend bronchitis macam nak visit me and having shortness of breathe really turn me down.

I guess bronchitis has weaken my mind either.

p/s: I'm actually impressed by the work/files done by me. ;)

Sick penguin is dragging her sick body to bed now, till then.
